These sex dolls are described by these definitions:
- sex doll for women with penis
- real silicone doll for gay
- gay sex toysx
- lesbian love doll

What makes this interesting is that the sex dolls are either presented with penises or with vaginas, focussing merely on penetration and assuming that sex is only penetration. They even seem to try to compensate lesbian sex by making a sex doll "for lesbians" with a penis, as if that's what lesbians have been missing all along.
Inspiration from Partak Martak.

We want the dolls to look a bit like her illustrations but then completely 3D.
Ways to sew them:
We chose to brainstorm further with the idea of making puppets:

- Do we want the dolls to have legs and arms or do we want it to only have an upper body + head so that everyone can add body parts they want? (Because then you include everyone, also physically disabled people).
- How big do we want the dolls to be?
- 3D or 2D?
- Do we want the dolls to be detailed?
- Table covered with velcro so that everything can stick on it + bodies also?
- Wires will be put IN the dolls so you won't see them

How to present?
- Before presentation people can bring the dolls home to create their definition of sex.
- Make a video of people showing different positions/ways of having sex through the dolls.
- Make a video of ourselves + others showing how they define sex/showing the last sex position they did, through dolls.
- Asking people to come on stage and show it during presentation

Small/Fast version without wires
5 times bigger

Smaller neck
Longer and smaller arms
+ sort of hands
Longer legs +
sort of feet
* shoe for reference*
Thicker neck because it can't hold the head
Thicker body
Length 1/5th smaller
Different size bodies?
Answers from the questionnaire - ITERATION 1
Material selection and tryouts

The making of
We wanted to make another questionnaire that had less focused questions so that people would really give the answer they first came up with without being coaxed towards a certain answer.
We put together the wall of carnal desires as an interactive game for people to show their definition of sex. Put together with Velcro, all the attributes can be added to the dolls, so that participants can create their ideal sexual scene, as the first iteration we put it in a safe intimate space.
Creations of the puppets made by others:

intimate space
in the open space: